I myself agree with abortion, but I do realise that in certain situations it is unjustified. The fear is that many women use abortion as a form of birth control, but should we take the choice of abortion away from them as a result? If abortion were ever to be banned or have limitations placed on it - depending on the situation - I think that it would be dangerous and that people would find other methods, such as backstreet abortions.

Women generally get abortions when contraception has been at fault, because they feel they are not ready for a child (too young or have financial difficulties), or when a child will have disabilities the parents feel they will not be able to support; and there are the more sensitive cases of rape victims who choose not to have their rapists babies. These are a few examples - in my view - of the right situations in which to have abortions, but there are those that abuse the system and these cases are what is causing the act of abortion to seem wrong. If the law changed, causing each case to be assessed to judge whether the abortion should take place or not, would mean taking away a woman's rights. I think that all women should have the choice to abort or not because it is their body, their decision.
A lot of people (especially those of a religion) would say that adoption is always another option, which I would agree it is, but there are some children that do not get adopted and are sent to foster home after foster home or spend most of their life in an orphanage. I think that with adoption and the issue of abortion, it all comes down to the quality of life the child will have.
I believe that adoption should be imposed when necessary, but it is not always practical for every case. I think that women should have the choice to have an abortion no matter what, although I (and many others) may not agree with some women's reasons for having one, they should not be penalised for this - it is their body, their choice and no-one should attempt to control it.
For more information and opinions, visit the link below which contains arguments for all sides of the issue of abortion.
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