Underage drinking is a bit of an issue at present. The government fear that drinking underage will possibly cause alcohol dependency in later life, and so they are trying to prevent it. Most people I know started drinking before they were 18, myself included; its almost expected today, but the age people are starting to drink at is getting younger and younger.
I was 14 when I first started going out and hanging around the streets, drinking. There used to be a really big group of us that would meet up on a field by where I live and just get drunk. At the time when I was doing it I didn't think much of it, the police would often come to us and try to move us on due to complaints from people who lived near by, but we would have none of it. When I think back to the fights and arguments that took place and how loud we must have been, it was bad really. Its scary how much alcohol can change you, hence the reason why a lot of the times our weekly binge sessions would turn to violence.
This kind of behaviour that I once indulged in is the kind that can get you an ASBO nowadays. Hooliganism and violent acts such as rape and murder, take place because of underage drinking, where people get out of control. When I think about what I and others have put our livers through, it was probably not the most sensible thing to do, but I think this kind of behaviour is getting much worse.
I don't really regret hanging around the streets drinking, because I think its just part of growing up, almost like "a right of passage!", although its not really acceptable.
Click on the link below for information on health risks caused by binge drinking.
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