Homosexuality is perhaps not so much of an issue as it has been in the past, but I feel it is still worth mentioning. Before its legalization in the 1960's (the time of sexual freedom), people accused of being homosexual were jailed (such as Oscar Wilde). It has been found in all cultures at all periods of history (just like heterosexuality) but has undergone thousands of years of prejudice, due to strict religions and fear. Homosexuality has often been subjected to violence and oppression, but I think that things are eventually beginning to change. This is probably due to many alterations in English society, such as a decline in beliefs; the country is not as religious as it once was and the church no longer holds any power over society, allowing people to be more open minded and accepting. I also think that the appearance of homosexuality in the media, such as TV, films and books, has allowed the gay community to be broadcast (and has become desensitised in a way) so that society can accept it and not think it so unusual.
I actually have no issues with homosexuality, but I think that's due to the generation I am part of. I have grown up seeing it on TV and in films, and since I have been around it has been legal. I realise that it is perhaps difficult for people of older generations to accept it (like my parents), since they have been brought up with the prejudices of their parents. But it is good that same sex unions are now possible, even if it is not through the church. Many religions have problems with homosexuality since they consider it to be a sin (look at picture below!), but I think it is wrong and I believe it to be another example of control through organised religion. People should be who they really are and not feel pressurised into being someone else.

Click on the link below to learn more about the history of homosexuality and religion.
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