Infidelity can be considered a terrible breach of trust and companionship. But is it just nature at work? Many members of the animal kingdom, such as birds and some species of mammal, go through life having many partners to increase the state of reproduction and continue the species. This idea of reducing human relations into attempts of continuing the human species, degrades the purpose of humanity and leaves us to appear no more intelligent than animals.
I think that infidelity is unacceptable and cannot be blamed on our "animal instincts" for we are still beings who are able to reason, a distinguishable feature as suggested by Descartes, which sets us apart from the animal kingdom (or our ape like past). Our ability to think and feel emotions is what makes human relationships more than just breeding - so why can't couples be faithful?
There are some exceptions to the rule of fidelity in my mind, for example, an unhappy marriage where someone is being abused or in the instance that a partner is in a coma or in a vegetative state.
For more opinions on infidelity visit, http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/0-9/4health/teenlife/rel_infidelity.html which contains case studies and tell tale signs.
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